How to call two variables in single box
Hi Team,
i have one scenario where I need to call two stored variables in a single box.
Variable1 - ABC
Variable2 - -123
if I call two variables(var1&var2) in single box output should be ABC-123
Can anyone help me with how to call two variables in a single box
Hi Gogineni12 -
There are a few options here, the first being you could add the variables to the box in succession using a "Keys" operation instead of a SetText - this should allow you to type one in after the other. The second would be to create a 3rd variable and concatenate the two variables into one variable that can be typed into the box. This depends on the scripting language but can typically be accomplished by using something like: var1 = var2 + var3
Please let me know if you have further questions.