Forum Discussion
1. TestComplete has built-in Python interpreter and you don't need to install something additionally.
2. However to setup some third party libraries you need to have Python "registered" in your operation system.
The easiest way is to install official package from
Also you can register TC package in system %PATH%
> First of all I suggest to install Python 34
Not been a Python user I am not sure if it matters, but TC12.30 uses Python 3.6.
Previous TC versions used Python 3.4 indeed.
I have copied the openpyxml folders (openpyxl-2.5.0a1-py3.4.egg, et_xmlfile-1.0.1-py3.4.egg, and jdcal-1.3-py3.4.egg) files to TestComplete path C:\Program Files\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\Bin\Extensions\Python\Python34\Lib\site-packages as attached in the screen shot
But still, I am getting an error as no module named 'openpyxml'. Please correct me if I am wrong.
> [...] to TestComplete path C:\Program Files\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\Bin\Extensions\Python\Python34\Lib\site-packages
As per help topic referenced by baxatob (
"To import custom Python packages, put them in the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\Python\Python36\Lib folder and use the
command."Does this help ?