Forum Discussion

techgirlbb's avatar
7 years ago

How can I verify the text from tooltip from panel object

panel object contains the tooltip with text message.

I am able to include the property checkpoint to verify the text but when I try to play back it is failing because of  not having hover over step between.when I try to inset the step to hover over it is capturing as panel and not working.

please refer the screenshots for more details.


I am trying to insert the step to hovermouse on the tool tip:


Aliases.browser.pageDashboardEsignliveByVasco.panel3.panelRcTooltipInner.panelRow.panelColMd12.panelRow.panelColMd6Cansubmit -

operation =hovermouse

Value ?? not able to find the exact co-ordinate values of the tooltip.


please guide me if there is simple way 







  • Try using the Point and Fix option in Object Spy to capture the tooltip and post a screenshot of it here.