10 years agoFrequent Contributor
How can I use scroll bar methods
I have a script that uses [PageDown] to move from the top of a SysListView32 to the bottom. Unfortunately the [PageDown] key causes unwanted behaviour so I want to use the vertical scroll bar instead.
The SysListView32 has a CWnd_SetScrollPos method but there is no help for this and the function description shown in the object spy simply says:
"Function CWnd_SetScrollPos(Param1 as Integer, Param2 as Integer, Param3 as Integer) as Integer"
with no indication what each of the parameters are for.
Can you provide help on this and other scroll bar methods?
How else can I move the list using the vertical scroll bar?
What I usually do is this
'Prepare to know when to stop scrolling 'Identify an object on the top of the page/list to know that you've scrolled completely to the top SET objTop = objParent.FindChild(PropArray, ValuesArray, depth) 'Identify an object on the botton of the page/list to know that you've scrolled completely to the top SET objBottom = objParent.FindChild(PropArray, ValuesArray, depth) 'Scroll to the required object 'Find the object that we are interested in SET objChild = objParent.FindChild(PropArray, ValuesArray, depth) IF objChild.VisibleOnScreen THEN 'Do something with the object ELSE DO WHILE NOT objTop.VisibleOnScreen lib_MouseScrollUp(objPage,5) 'Find a number that sufficiently scrolls for you and use scroll up or down methods as required IF objChild.VisibleOnScreen THEN EXIT DO LOOP END IF 'Functions for scrolling FUNCTION lib_MouseScrollUp(ByRef obj, ByVal count) obj.MouseWheel count END FUNCTION 'OR FUNCTION lib_MouseScrollDown(ByRef obj, ByVal count) obj.MouseWheel 0-count END FUNCTION