Forum Discussion

rhu's avatar
2 years ago

How can I change the default browserWindow Close Timeout (e.g. from 2000 to 5000ms) in keyword test

How can I change the default browserWindow Close Timeout (e.g. from 2000 to 5000ms) in keyword test

I have keyword test with Item BrowserWindow and Operation Close at the end of each tests. The default there is always 2000ms.
is there a possibility to charge the default timeout for this in general, so that I do not have to do it at each test?

5 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    There's no general settings, you have to implement the code, which gives you more control as to what to do after tests finishes.

  • rhu's avatar

    The problem is not that i do not know how to close the browser in a manual test.
    As mentioned I have a lot of single test cases and i do not want to adapt the default browser close for each test, because then I had to adapt e.g. 50 different tests. So the question ist can I do that on a higher level (in general) e.g. at project level or project suit level.

  • rhu's avatar

    Looks like there is no general setting and I have to adapt each Test separately.