Hi Anil,
Here, using the object spy you can find the row count
Dim AppArray()
PropArray = Array("ObjectType","ObjectIdentifier", "innerText")
ValuesArray = Array("Table", "0", "*Installment*")
ScheduleTable = Page.FindAllChildren(PropArray, ValuesArray, 11)
ScheduleRowCount= ScheduleTable (0).RowCount
J = 0
ColumnStart = 0
Flag = 1
Size = 0
If ScheduleRowCount>1 Then
Do Until Flag = 0
Redim Preserve AppArray(Size)
'Get the Data from Cell
PropArray = Array("ObjectType","ObjectIdentifier", "ColumnIndex")
ValuesArray = Array("Cell", J, ColumnStart)
TableData = ScheduleTable(0). FindAllChildren(PropArray, ValuesArray, 11)
If Ubound(TableData) < 0 Then
Flag = 0
Exit Do
End If
AppArray(Size) = TableData (0).innerText
Size = Size+1
J = J + 1
ColumnStart = ColumnStart+1
End If
'Print the Data
For K = 0 to Ubound(AppArray) - 1
log.message AppArray(K)
I hope it is definitely work.