GUI Walker test
I was wondering if anyone has created a GUI walker test which they would be willing to share?
Ideally i am looking for a test that iterates through all the child objects on a window testing certain properties like enabled, visible, class and default value.
Many thanks
The function GetCollectOfObjects below will return a collection of objects in an array.
You can pass either the string of the process or the object. I typically pass the object of the main form.
You can pass either strings or arrays for the arguments PropNames and PropValues
The Subroutine Main below shows how to iterate throught the array of objects logging their full names.
This is useful if you want to return all the edit boxes (or any other class of objects) that are Visible on the form.
The code below automatically adds the Visible property as true.
The code is basically a wrapper around the FindAllChildren method.
Sub Main
Dim arrayOfObjects, x
arrayOfObjects = GetCollectOfObjects(Sys.Process("YourProcess").Window("YourClassname", "YourCaption"), "WndClass", "TjwwDBEdit")
For x = 0 To UBound(arrayOfObjects)
If arrayOfObjects(x).Exists = True Then
Log.Message arrayOfObjects(x).FullName
End If
NextEnd Sub
Function GetCollectOfObjects(ProcessNameOrObject, PropNames, PropValues)
Dim NamesArray, ValuesArray, nvLoopCounter
If VarType(PropNames) = vbString Then
NamesArray = Array(PropNames, "Visible")
ValuesArray = Array(PropValues, True)
ElseIf VarType(PropNames) => vbArray Then
NamesArray = PropNames
ReDim Preserve NamesArray(UBound(NamesArray) + 1)
NamesArray(UBound(NamesArray)) = "Visible"
ValuesArray = PropValues
ReDim Preserve ValuesArray(UBound(ValuesArray) + 1)
ValuesArray(UBound(ValuesArray)) = True
Log.Warning "An unusable data type '" & TypeName(PropNames) & "' was passed for the PropNames argument."
End IfIf VarType(ProcessNameOrObject) = vbString Then
GetCollectOfObjects = Sys.Process(ProcessNameOrObject).FindAllChildren(NamesArray, ValuesArray, 1000, True)
nvLoopCounter = 0
Do While UBound(GetCollectOfObjects) < 0
If nvLoopCounter >= 4 Then
'Log.Error "Could not locate the object after " & nvLoopCounter & " attempts.", Sys.Process(ProcessNameOrObject).NameExit Do
End If
GetCollectOfObjects = Sys.Process(ProcessNameOrObject).FindAllChildren(NamesArray, ValuesArray, 1000, True)
nvLoopCounter = nvLoopCounter + 1
ElseIf VarType(ProcessNameOrObject) = vbObject Then
GetCollectOfObjects = ProcessNameOrObject.FindAllChildren(NamesArray, ValuesArray, 1000, True)
nvLoopCounter = 0
Do While UBound(GetCollectOfObjects) < 0
If nvLoopCounter >= 4 Then
'Log.Error "Could not locate the object after " & nvLoopCounter & " attempts.", ProcessNameOrObject.Name
Exit Do
End If
GetCollectOfObjects = ProcessNameOrObject.FindAllChildren(NamesArray, ValuesArray, 1000, True)
nvLoopCounter = nvLoopCounter + 1
GetCollectOfObjects = Array() ' Return an empty array
If VarType(PropNames) = vbString Then
Log.Warning "An unusable data type '" & TypeName(ProcessNameOrObject) & "' was passed for the control - " & PropNames & " - " & PropValues
Log.Warning "An unusable data type '" & TypeName(ProcessNameOrObject) & "' was passed for the control - " & PropNames(0) & " - " & PropValues(0)
End If
End If
End Function