How can I review word doc on web GUI?
I am using web GUI in review process and I want to review word documents. I installed the client and print to review.
Normally we review committed version only and if I have a version contain code and doucment update, the code file works fine but the word document no. My questions are:
1- what is the required configuration on web GUI to make review doc file is avilabe in diff as code files?
2- If I install eclips plug-in, is this solve the point?
3- if no for Q1,Q2; is there command line interface to "print to review" tool to automate the process of uploading word document on web GUI
Best Regaeds,
Hello Walid
Unfortunately CodeReviewer shows differences only in uploaded text-based files. It does not show diffs for Doc files.
Support for Doc, Excel, PDF and other formats are features of Collaborator. In Collaborator you'll be able to see the differences in uploaded documents:
The Print To Review tool also works only with Collaborator.
If you are on a trial version, you may re-install the tool as Collaborator and try these features.
Best Regards, Artem.