Forum Discussion

petra's avatar
9 years ago


Hi to all! Is there anyone who speaks german? I could need a "mentor" who can help me a little bit with test complete.


my problem:

I made the test by clicking by hand and converted to script to see wether i could find the error.



//Clicks at point (51, 34) of the 'xxxx' object., 34);


Starting the test (keywordtest AND scripttest) breaks TC down and writes


There was an attempt to perform an action at point (505, 270), which is overlapped by another window. 


point (505,270) is overlapped by the tested app, But TC should not go there. 


App is written in Delphi. 


Has anyone some idea? 







  • petra's avatar
    9 years ago

    Seems, the problem is solved. The Button was not accepted /known as a button. So we  opened "object mapping" and defined it by adding from screen.

    • petra's avatar

      Yes please Let's try it in english :-)

      • Marsha_R's avatar

        Some things to check are:


        1) Confirm that there is only one copy of the tested app running at a time.  Check this in TaskManager and close any extra ones.  TestComplete will get confused between multiple copies.


        2) The app window or UI should be displayed at the same size when you test as when you recorded.  


        If you can change your test to click on an object by name rather than a location, then the test will be more flexible. For example, SetFocus can be used to get to a particular field or a button and then enter data or click or whatever needs to be done.