Forum Discussion

ZXQA's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Finding an object when form name changes but every form has the same object


   This explanation may be poor but I am trying to script this for the first time.

I have an object that I need to interact with regardless of what form I am on. I have tried to use the example provided by support but I cannot get it to work. There is a label on every form in our application that when click can navigate to the main form of the application.  




The WinFormsObject("######") changes with every form but it is always the ending WinformsObject("labLogo"). When I use Find it finds the object but on the Sys.Process("Signon"). I need it to find the object on whatever the current form is and take action against it. I have tried everything I could think of using the support and community to no avail.  I am using VBScript if that changes anything.


Thank you for any help!!!





  • Hi,
    It will be very easy for you if you use NameMapping inside TestComplete.

    It is not recommended to use Sys. to write scripts in TestComplete,


    Use NameMapping -> modify recommended property with (use wild cards):



    Use .Find() on the selected object to avoid performance problems. It is not recommended to start the search process from the beginning of the program object structure.


    Debug ๐Ÿ›this piece of code and change parameters. This is the key to success.

  • ZXQA's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Additional info:


    This is the sample I am trying to use and I feel like my issue is with the "Set p =". I have tried to use wild cards like (Sys.Process("Signon").WinFormsObject("*").WinFormsObject("LeftPanel").WinFormsObject("labLogo")

    but that does not work. I have also tried findChild but it still finds the wrong control and cannot access it because it is not visible.


    sub findTest
    Dim p, control
    ' Searches for the control
    Set p = Sys.Process("Signon")
    Set control = p.Find("WinFormsControlName", "labLogo", 1000)
    ' Processes the search results
    If control.Exists Then
    Log.Message control.FullName
    Log.Error "The object was not found."
    End If
    End Sub

    • Wamboo's avatar
      Community Hero

      It will be very easy for you if you use NameMapping inside TestComplete.

      It is not recommended to use Sys. to write scripts in TestComplete,


      Use NameMapping -> modify recommended property with (use wild cards):



      Use .Find() on the selected object to avoid performance problems. It is not recommended to start the search process from the beginning of the program object structure.


      Debug ๐Ÿ›this piece of code and change parameters. This is the key to success.