Forum Discussion

shenyusun's avatar
9 years ago

Find out what properties change since last input?

Hello guys,


I have a question about finding what properties changed with a different input.


For example:

- I have a text box, and then if I input the invalid value, the text box turn red.

- Usually, I will use Spy Object to highlight the test box, and then check 'BorderBrush' R,G,B value.

- I ran into a issue that the text box turn red, but 'BorderBrush' R,G,B value remained the same.

- I look through each properties, and trying to find out if I can find any difference, so I can use it as check point.

- There are too many properties, and I have hard time to find what properties have changed when I put invalid value.


Is there a way to compare properties to find out the changes between valid input and invalid input?


Appreciate as always!



  • Probably using an overlay or an underlay or something. I find that a lot with web based stuff. Not so much with desktop based.


    Something has certainly changed to red, you can see it. Just a matter of working out what. Have a look at direct parent & child objects maybe?

    • Colin_McCrae's avatar
      Community Hero

      This may not be much help, but when things start happening in an application which are not obvious (like this), the fastest way to figure it out is often ....... just ask the dev team!


      If they are on hand of course. And helpful!


      I've run into a few weird and wonderful non-standard ways of doing things and, a couple of them, I would NEVER have figured out if I hadn't been able to ask the guys that write and maintain the thing.


      I like tristaanogre's idea though. I may give that a shot sometime. (Although, in at least one case, even that wouldn't have solved it. It might have told me what had changed, but I would still never have figured it out without the devs! It was a partially propagating tree list in case you're wondering. Checks part way down a list would trigger automatic checks on child nodes in some cases, and parent nodes in others. And they all used different shading to indicate their status. None of this used the "checked" status at all!)

      • shenyusun's avatar

        Thanks Colin!

        I thought about that too, but the SME in that area is out for vacation :P Holiday season.

        Hence why I am here.

        Thanks for the help!


  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor



    when you use the spy object, do you make it with the "invalid" value for the input box ? if so, you must have the value of red (I dont know, 255,0,0 ??), anyhow you must have the value in front of you. If the value doesn't change, then the property must not be the good one.


    as already said, the dev team will give you the property of the object that will change.


    could you make a screen shot of detailled properties and its values with the object spy, but with the "invalid values" state of the input ?

    • shenyusun's avatar

      255, 0, 0 is what I was using for my other check point rules.

      Somehow for this one certain area, the edit box change, but RGB did not.

      I will see if I can provide the screenshot

      • Colin_McCrae's avatar
        Community Hero

        Probably using an overlay or an underlay or something. I find that a lot with web based stuff. Not so much with desktop based.


        Something has certainly changed to red, you can see it. Just a matter of working out what. Have a look at direct parent & child objects maybe?