Forum Discussion

DevaV's avatar
13 years ago

Find all children


I want to find all children of system by its process name, but when i use Find all children it returns nothing. The code is as follows.

var children = Sys.FindAllChildren("ProcessName","IEXPLORE",1)


I want to know how many instance of same process is running, for eg: If i open more than one iexplore and if I want to know how many iexplore I've opened how can i get that no of process.

Kindly provide some solution for this problem.

4 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Deva,

    Not sure what scripting language you are using, but if it is JScript (or C++Script or C#Script that are JScript-based) that is case-sensitive, you may instead of



    Log.Message(children.length) // Length was changed to length

    Does it help?
  • Hi Alexei Karas,

    I tried with both. Acutally when i am trying evaluate 'children' after its execution, it gives nothing.
  • Hi,

    You should convert FindAllChildren's result to a JScript array by using its toArray method.

    var children = Sys.FindAllChildren("ProcessName","IEXPLORE",1).toArray()
  • Hi Jared,

    I tried with toArray now its works fine.

    Thanks. :)