Forum Discussion

Shuvankar_Dash's avatar
New Contributor
10 months ago

Extract data from Dynamic Web Table

How to extract different text/data from multiple columns and rows in a dynamic webTable using xpath. For instance, all the FirstNames and Lastnames from a webtable.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    You have to use the Object Spy tool, to see what properties are exposed first. From here, you can then extract the information you require.

  • Thank you so much for reply. Can you give me more insights please. Please note that, I am writing scripts in javascripts for this. I will not use keyword testing here.

      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        I suggest you read and watch through the various documents and videos on TestComplete, to get a better understanding. If you don't have basic knowledge of TC, then it's will be difficult to understand.