Forum Discussion

Emilija's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Dynamically used project variables

Hi everyone,

I am using Delphi application ...

Is it posible to use project based variables, dynamically in scripts ???

I want to fill edits in the application with defined project scope variables depending on parametrization

Something like:

Aliases.ApplicationName.FormName.VCLObject(Edit) := Project.Variables.VarTest

( where Edit = EditName + Index ; and VarTest = VariableName + Index)


Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,


    Yes, this is possible.

    If I got your question right, then you should use eval() or evaluate() function whatever exists for the scripting language you are using in your test project.


    var strEdit = 'Edit';

    var strVarName = 'VarTest';

    for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++)


      Aliases.ApplicationName.FormName.VCLObject(evaluate(strEdit + i)) := evaluate('Project.Variables.VarTest' + i);



    evaluate(strEdit + i) will resolve to 'Edit1', 'Edit2', ...

    evaluate('Project.Variables.VarTest' + i) will resolve to the value of Project.Variables.VarTest1, Project.Variables.VarTest2, ...


    Did I get your question right?


2 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Yes, this is possible.

    If I got your question right, then you should use eval() or evaluate() function whatever exists for the scripting language you are using in your test project.


    var strEdit = 'Edit';

    var strVarName = 'VarTest';

    for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++)


      Aliases.ApplicationName.FormName.VCLObject(evaluate(strEdit + i)) := evaluate('Project.Variables.VarTest' + i);



    evaluate(strEdit + i) will resolve to 'Edit1', 'Edit2', ...

    evaluate('Project.Variables.VarTest' + i) will resolve to the value of Project.Variables.VarTest1, Project.Variables.VarTest2, ...


    Did I get your question right?


    • Emilija's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you very much AlexKaras 

      I tried evaluate before ... and it didn't work :)

      obviously cause I missed quotation marks for 'Project.Variables.VarTest'


      Thanks again