Forum Discussion
I've suffered with accessing combobox and radcombobox WPF items many times. The most reliable method I found for selecting those is using a loop with FindChild. Below is an example of the approach I've used for combo box items. Not sure if that will help/work in your case though.
'-- Set the operator combo box as specified.
a_Props = Array("ClrClassName", "WPFControlText")
a_vals = Array("TextBlock", s_Operator)
Set o_menu = Aliases.Sys.Ezp.HwndSource_PopupRoot.PopupRoot.Decorator.NonLogicalAdornerDecorator
Set o_item = o_menu.FindChild(a_props, a_vals, 2)
If o_item.Exists Then
'Log an error if the item was not found
Log.Error "The item " & s_Operator & " was not found"
End If
I don't think we have a flyout menu like yours in our application.
WPF is not the most TestComplete friendly. The really, really deep hierarchy is a nuisance.
Good luck, John