Forum Discussion

jeremyt's avatar
10 years ago

Double click problems (maybe too fast?)

I'm testing an HTML 5 application and we have what amounts to a sticky note object that you double click on to open up a panel that allows you to enter a body of test.

The problem I'm having is that when I perform a double click on the object (.DblClick), the panel never comes up. The log reports no errors and when I watch it run it does appear to click on the object as expectd but the panel still doesn't come up. It almost seems like the double click is actually happening too fast!

Anyone have an idea on how to fix or work around this issue?
  • Did you try making the object active? Also take a look at the object you want to click on with the ObjectSpy tool. Take a look at the 'Methods' tab and confirm that this method is available for your 'problem' object.
  • chrisb's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    A few Google searches on automated testing of HTML 5 canvas suggest that there are challenges with automated testing of it. One article I read refers to it as essentially a black box when it comes to automated testing and that you may need to add some hooks into your js to do automated testing on it. I'd suggest some searches on automated testing of HTML 5 canvas on Google and Stack Overflow and then opening a ticket with SmartBear for help. I'd also recommend searching on Selenium forums as a. It is closer to the metal Ie.the browser so you can really understand what is going on with an issue and not just the proprietary Test Complete stuff and b. There is a lot of good information out there and it's usually analogous to what you can do in TC. Good luck!
  • I appreciate the feedback as yes automating the HTML 5 canvas is very challenging but in this case it's happening in our desktop app as well which isn't HTML 5 based nor is it in a browser.

    I'll repost in a more appropriate section of the forums since it's not really HTML specific. Thanks again for trying to help.