Forum Discussion

CMEPTb's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Distributed testing on VM machines - screen resolution problem


I'm tried to setup distributed testing with using VM as slave machine and found that TC opens remote desktop session with very small screen resolution - 625x444 px.

My tests can't work with such resolution because even Explorer overlaps target app :-)

How can I define what resolution should use TC while connecting to slave?

Full config:

Master: Win7x64

Slave: WinXP (sp3)x32 - vm  OR Win7x64 - hw (same result)

TC - 7.50

Thanks in advance,


2 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar


    For the RDP connection, the default screen resolution, which is 640x480, is used. Unfortunately, TestComplete 7 does not allow changing the screen resolution, so a solution for you would be to remove the login credentials from the host properties so that TestComplete does not open an RDP session on its own. At that, you will need to log in to the slave PCs locally or via RDP, set the needed screen resolution and leave the session open. In this case, TestComplete will run the tests in the existing user sessions.

    Does this approach work for you?

    BTW, this functionality is improved in TestComplete 8 - now, the screen resolution of the Master PC is used for the RDP sessions opened for slave PCs.