Forum Discussion

sharathk's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Delphi application objects identification


I am trying to automate the Desktop application which is developed in Delphi programming language. i am trying to click on a "Save" button button it is not identified as a single object. group of objects/images into single ribben.

below is the code




Any suggestions/Help please.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Try adding the WndClass name MSAA in Project Settings,


  • sharathk's avatar
    New Contributor

    Added the windows class as per your suggestion and now tried to identify the object  but below is the code

    Sys.Process("XXXX").VCLObject("FmMain").Window("MDIClient", "", 1).VCLObject("FmProspectSubscriber_1").VCLObject("cxPageControl1").VCLObject("SubEditSheet").VCLObject("cxPageControlEdit").VCLObject("tsSubEdit").VCLObject("frmSubEdit").Window("TdxDockControl", "", 3).Panel("Main")


    but still it is identified as a ribbon i mean group of objects into one line/ribbon.

    any help please.