Forum Discussion

rasool_saheb's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Delphi Object Identification



I am using the Trail version of Delphi.


Delphi is identifying all the objects,however I am not confident when it records the operations of button and grid objects.


The click operation is recorded with (x,y),is it expected?


advPanel.Panel1.LogonButton.Click(60, 11);


even it is same for grid operations


tsfDataPagesNoteBook.Click(118, 15);


if any co-orinates changes in future? how it will work?




  • Colin_McCrae's avatar
    9 years ago

    It's not mandatory. But, as per the support article above, some (native) properties and methods will not be available without a debug enabled compile.


    I'm not familiar with a "tsfDBGrid". Sounds like it may be a custom/derived class.


    But I can tell you I can't fully interact with some of my Delphi DB linked grids (I think my application uses about 3 different DB grid types) without debug info. The DataSet/RecordSet object is a Debug property for some of mine and without that, I can't get much useful done with the grid.


    If they won't let you compile it, you may need to ask them to provide you with a debug enabled build if you want full access to all the properties and methods. There is no way round it.

  • With things like buttons (the co-ordinates are relative to the control, not the screen, so it'll cope if it moves but possibly not if it resizes) the co-ordinates are captured during recording. But you usually don't need them and can just delete them.


    And for the grid ...


    Is it compiled with debug options?



    You don't say what type of grid. There are numerous different types in Delphi. Some will require debug info to interact with them fully. Some are quite complex to interact with, others not so much. Hard to say without more details.


    Do you have all the right extensions turned on in TestComplete? (They are all on by default)

    • rasool_saheb's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks Colin for quick reply.


      Customer is not allowing us to compile the application.


      is it mandatory to compile with Debug option.


      The grid is "tsfDBGrid"


      for button,I removed x,y co-ordinates,it is working fine.


      Do we have any method or process to conclude,Test complete is able to identify all the objects ? and performing the required operations ?






      • Colin_McCrae's avatar
        Community Hero

        It's not mandatory. But, as per the support article above, some (native) properties and methods will not be available without a debug enabled compile.


        I'm not familiar with a "tsfDBGrid". Sounds like it may be a custom/derived class.


        But I can tell you I can't fully interact with some of my Delphi DB linked grids (I think my application uses about 3 different DB grid types) without debug info. The DataSet/RecordSet object is a Debug property for some of mine and without that, I can't get much useful done with the grid.


        If they won't let you compile it, you may need to ask them to provide you with a debug enabled build if you want full access to all the properties and methods. There is no way round it.