Forum Discussion

bigblue_27's avatar
13 years ago

Debugging in a distributed environment

Can anyone help or provide a link on how to debug on  a distributed environment. 

We have a master and 4 slave machines. 

If I run TC in debug mode on the master machine MASTER1, it reaches the point when this statement runs:

CALL currentEntity.Run(TRUE) 

This calls a routine on slave machine SLAVE1. 

From the point of view of debugging, on MASTER1, I can step through code to the above statement. 

The debugger remains on MASTER1 until the routine on SLAVE1 finishes, before allowing me to continue to debug on MASTER1.

I need to be able to see what is happening within the routine on SLAVE1. I have tried putting breakpoints on the code in instances of test complete on both the MASTER1 and SLAVE1 machines, at the point where the routine which executes on SLAVE1 should run, but it does not hit the breakpoints.

I view both MASTER1 and SLAVE1 through remote desktop connections. I have configured the routine on SLAVE1 to run using TestComplete rather than TestExecute. I have set this in the jobs setting which allows me to configure this.  

I have one job active, the one to run the routine on SLAVE1. All network verification and jobverification is complete and works, and I know the code executes on SLAVE1, because I can see the logs - I just need to know how to step into code on SLAVE1 when running from MASTER1
  • Julia_K's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hello Alan,

    Unfortunately, debugging tests on slave computers while running them from a master computer is impossible. During the distributed testing TestComplete on slave computers is run in the silent mode with the debugger turned off.


    Sorry for the inconvenience.  Please let us know if you have any more questions.

    Thank you.