Forum Discussion

ryan_perneel's avatar
8 years ago

Dead Code

Has anyone come up with a way to search for dead code in a large code base?  I am trying to do some cleanup on a legacy project, and currently having to do a search for each function to see if it is ...
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    8 years ago

    All that said... if you think this is a feature worth adding to TestComplete, the cool thing about SmartBear folks is that they take suggestions seriously.  Go to and create a feature request.  It doesn't guarentee that it will get done, but it will get looked at.

    In the meantime... have you considered just bringing in your code units into an IDE that has such a feature and letting the feature run?  All the script code units are simple text files that can be brought into any environment that supports it.  In the past, there was someone that was looking for some sort of "auto-documentation" tool that would parse code and generate documentation on all methods and such in the code.  They used an external tool to do so because of this very thing... that the code units are simple text files that can be ported into any compatible tool.