Data driven Test Execution with TestExecute: is this possible implement?
I have created a Keyword Data Driven test in TestComplete. The test reads it's test data out of an Excel file, and perform a data driven loop. Works OK.
However, now I want another end user (not a tester) to use TestExecute to execute the same test, however with its own set of testdata. So, a different test data source (of course, the format of the file is the same).
Is it possible, in TestExecute, to link the test file (the keyword test), to the source of the test data file (Excel file, for example) to be able to run the same test with different test data, while not having access to TestComplete (the test source itself).
I hope it is clear what I mean, and I wonder if this scenario is possible to implement (if so, how to implement)?
Are there any best practices from fellow-testers, who have implemented such (or similar scenario?)
Thanks for your tips and advices!
adapt and add this delphi-like script to your code :
function ReadParams(Argument: string): Boolean;
i: integer;
Result:= False;
for i:= 0 to BuiltIn.ParamCount do
if (ParamStr(i) = Argument) then
Result:= True;
end;use it like this :
if (ReadParams('/User1')) then
... your code for the User1...
else if ... etc