Connecting to Sql server db using pyodbc with testcomplete
- 7 years ago
May I wonder if you *really* need this library? What for? Wouldn't built-in ADO object work for you ( and other articles from the SQL section) ?
P.S. A side benefit of using objects and functionality provided by TestComplete itself is that the resulting code is more portable i when you need to use it for the project based on some other scripting language.
- 7 years ago
> if we can use the external python library pyodbc with Test Complete.
I would say that this should be possible. The link posted by Marsha_R and the whole thread with replies from baxatob are worth reading and carefull follow-up. I am not a Python expert but it is my understanding that Python, like Java/Groovy, is pretty sensitive to correct paths and module versions but not always provides a clear and descriptive problem diagnostic. Thus, you must be careful, understand what you are doing and have an idea of what paths and default locations Python's engine may examine on your system while searching for this or that module.