Forum Discussion

dsanghamitra's avatar
9 years ago

Colour ,font and style not able to check in Testcomplete 10-Tool Limitation


We are working with Test complete 10 but facing some tool limitation while capturing any colour, font and style during script development. Not able to get any property to spy any colour ,font and style. Can you please reply me soon to overcome the mentioned issue.

Below issues are also found

  • Not able to capture inner object of .pdf and .xps file
  • Image size not able to capture
  • Resize window-Window position also not able to capture
  • If we are saving some file in desktop and want to check the saved file in desktop in that time also we are not able to check.

Note : Some thing works fine with Testcomplete 9 and some thing not working with testcomplete 10.This is a big issue


Please Help us as soon as possible. It is an Business requirement




2 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    karthick7 already answered concerning style and color.  As for the rest of your items:


    dsanghamitra wrote:


    • Not able to capture inner object of .pdf and .xps file
    • Image size not able to capture
    • Resize window-Window position also not able to capture
    • If we are saving some file in desktop and want to check the saved file in desktop in that time also we are not able to check.


    For PDFs, this is known, actually.  There are techniques for doing so but SmartBear has actually published a pretty good solution.  Please see


    I don't know if an existing solution is present for xps files but this should be able to get you started.


    As for image size... what have you tried?  And by size, do you mean pixel dimensions or file size? Depending upon what you need, there are a number of properties of the objects which will get you that information.  Please reference


    As for window resize or position, you can set a windows size via test code and you can capture position as well.  Properties of "Left" and "Top" give you the window's position relative to the top left corner of the screen.  Properties "Height" and "Width" give you the values of the current size.  The method "Position" can take values for height, width, left, and top to modify that in code.  Of course, recording the action against the window should work as well. 


    As for file checking, look into using aqFile and aqFileSystem objects.


    Generally speaking.... each of these things is a separate task/issue/problem that have different solutions and different causes.  It would help us help you better if you post each one as a separate question.  Please, also, include what you have attempted, information about your application under test (code base, control types, application type, etc).  Also, if you've attempted something, it would also be helpful to be able to see the script code and/or the keyword test that you attempted so we can give advice on where to make corrections, etc. 


    Always love to help.  Let us know if there are further questions.

  • Hi Sanghamithra,


    Kindly go properties view-----> where u can find the belows


    textbox.font.background = expected color = expected style



