Forum Discussion

SamuraiJack's avatar
15 years ago

click command suddenly giving out of bounds error...

This code was working earlier int he week:

set iexplore = Aliases.Sys.iexplore

set page = iexplore.pagePolicyList

Log.Event("Opening Policy Details")


Now I'm getting the error:

There was an attempt to perform an action at point (0, 0), which is out of the window bounds.

Because the location can be at different cooradinates from policy to policy, specifying them in the click() function wont always work..

None of my other 'click' functions seem to have this issue

also it doesn't seem if my log commands in that script are executing either


  • Managed to fix it by using:

    Set poln = Aliases.Sys.iexplore.pagePolicyList.FindChild("","ctl00_MainPageContent_PolicyList1_rptrListAuto_ctl01_PolicySummaryBar_ClientVisibilityToggleLinkControl1_hlHidden",500)



  • Well our company upgraded to IE8 and now its giving me the out of bounds error again, this time at coords 24,0 instead of 0,0
  • Had to modify it again to make it click on the TextNode(0) property of the link..