Chrome does not react on TestComplete 12
Hi all,
This morning i upgraded to TestComplete 12. After that,my scripts that worked fine on TC11 don't react to Chrome anymore.
I can see in the log that 'The browser is already running' (which is not true by the way) and then he tries to navigate to a page, but never reaches it as Chrome never (visible or invisible) opens.
Any one with the same problem?
Basically this is the code:
BrowserItems = CreateVariantArray(0, 2)
Set BrowserItems(0) = Browsers.Item("iexplore")
Set BrowserItems(1) = Browsers.Item("chrome")
Set BrowserItems(2) = Browsers.Item("firefox")
browserindex = VarArrayLowBound(BrowserItems, 1)
While browserIndex <= VarArrayHighBound(BrowserItems, 1)
Call BrowserItems(browserIndex).Run
'Opens the specified URL in a running instance of the specified browser.
Call Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Navigate(Project.variables.TestURL&"/dashboard")
log.message("browsed to Dashboard")
Call Sys.Browser.Page(Project.variables.TestURL&"/dashboard").wait
'Wait till page is existing
Loop until Sys.Browser.Page(Project.variables.TestURL&"/dashboard").Exists
log.message("dashboard loaded")
' do stuff
Call Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Close(5000)
Hi Adam,
Meanwhile, I was helped correctly with the SmartBear Servicedesk.
It seemed that i (unwantingly) deleted a counter, which should have made me jump to my next browser (chrome) but instead, he relaunched my first browser (ie).As we all know, the process of IE takes a time to close down, so when starting up the next (cross-browser) tests, it detected 'browser already running' (as that was IE closing down) and did not want to continue.
I mistakenly thought Chrome was not recognised.Meanwhile all problems have been solved and TC 12 is working as steadily as before. So no need to be afraid of switching to TC12.
Hope it helps!
Good luck.
PS. to help everyone. The last three lines (in the above code) should have read:
browserindex = browserindex + 1
Call Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Close(5000)