I can type in characters and numbers. The following is the function that performs the setting text. When I stepinto the code, I can see the right textArea object on the page is selected and jas the focus when txtObj.Click() is executed, but the next line txtObj.SetText(inpVal) does not set the data on the page.
'Description:Function to enter text in any text area
'Input Parameters :txtObj - the textArea object, lblName-the textArea Lable, inpVal-the input value
Public Function EnterTextAreaValue(txtObj,lblName,inpVal)
If (txtObj is nothing) Then
fnInsertResult "Object does not exists","Please recheck object properties of textarea, " &lblName ,"",gFail
End If
If Not (txtObj.Exists) Then
fnInsertResult "Object does not exists","Please recheck object properties of textarea, " &lblName ,"",gFail
End If
If Not (txtObj.Visible) Then
fnInsertResult "Object does not visible","Please recheck object properties of textarea, " &lblName ,"",gFail
End If
If Not (txtObj.Enabled) Then
fnInsertResult "Object does not enabled","Please recheck object properties of textarea, " &lblName ,"",gFail
End If
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Log.Error gException & "EnterTextAreaValue"& Err.Description
EnterTextAreaValue = False
end if
On Error GoTo 0
End Function