Forum Discussion

pb1's avatar
6 years ago

Controlling FTPTestStep from groovy

Hello there


I am currently stuck trying to transfer files with the FTP-Step provided in SoapUI Pro. The files are generated before sending, and there may be a large amount of files to send.


The amount of files to send are determined after generation, I currently use a loop to iterate through all the files and add their information to the FTP-Step and then run it. Basically boiled down it's the following code:

new File(path).listFiles().each{
  ftpStep.setFileName(it.getName()), context)

Sadly the transfer seems to fail every time, providing the following error:

Unable to upload the file: null

Looks to me like the testRunner gets confused and is unable to apply the filePath properly. testRunner and context are passed down from the invoked variables.


If I execute the FTP-Step without any modifications afterwards, it sends the previously configured file to the server without problems, so I can only assume that something with the run() function is not working properly.


I would appreciate any sort of help or workaround - but just confirming my problem would be sufficient for me to create a bug ticket

  • Thanks to the support for solving the problem:


    The ftpStep requires two additional method calls to properly transmit files, using the provided example in the OP the correct way to use the run method would be as follows:


    new File(path).listFiles().each{
      ftpStep.prepare(testRunner, context), context)
      ftpStep.finish(testRunner, context)
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Is it possible to create archive file when multiple files, then do ftp in a single call?
    • pb1's avatar

      Sadly I can not zip the files, they must be sent separately so the services behind the FTP-Server can properly use them.

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        Post that unzip where there required.

        Additional benefit would be faster to ftp an archive than multiple files.