14 years agoRegular Contributor
Call Stack not available
My understanding is that by default TestComplete creates a call stack for error messages. When you click on an error message, it takes you directly to the code.
a) this does not happen for me in any of my projects. I can click / double-click / whatever on an error message and nothing happens.
When I open the call stack panel it is empty. The headers are there, but the fields are empty.
b) I created an event handler to turn on the call stack for everything. Here's the code:
function GeneralEvents_OnStartTest(Sender)
// Enable call stack tracing
Log.CallStackSettings.EnableStackOnWarning = true;
Log.CallStackSettings.EnableStackOnCheckpoint = true;
Log.CallStackSettings.EnableStackOnEvent = true;
Log.CallStackSettings.EnableStackOnLink = true;
Log.CallStackSettings.EnableStackOnMessage = true;
I confirmed that this routine does get called by putting a Log.Message("on start test event was called")
My callstack is still not available.
I'm guessing there's a project or project suite setting somewhere that needs to be enabled or disabled, but have not found anything.
Advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Curt Hicks