Forum Discussion

TK6666's avatar
2 years ago

Bat file set up to run -Task Scheduler

Hi there

Please see attached my path were my test execute files sit and the bat file that i have created to run automate tests.Please could you advise me if the path that  i am using is correct in my bat file

sorry I am not technical at all but doing record and play back for a desktop application and encountering some issues'.Can someone willing to maybe get on a zoom or teams call with me by any chance to try and assist me?

Were test completes sits

C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 15\x64\Bin.TestComplete.exe


My Project suit below

C:\Users\Tina\OneDrive - DATASCOPE\Test Complete\WHClient\WHClient

This is the batch file i created to run the test automatically but it is not working

"C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\x64\Bin\TestExecute.exe" C:\DSTests\WHClient\WHClient.pjs /run /exit /Project:"Project_WH Client" /test:Launch_HTML_5


This is the error i get.


Please help me get this right


Thank you

Tina kanniah

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    1. Get the command to work using the correct parameters in the command prompt.

    2. Create a batch file with the commands in step 1, and run the batch file

    3. Create a task schedule to run the batch file.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Here's my example and project setup to launch Windows Notepad.


    Tested application,

    Keyword test,

    Execution plan,

    Location of project and TestExecute command,


    I can see you have a project in C:\Users\Tina\OneDrive - DATASCOPE\Test Complete\WHClient\WHClient. Do you also a project in C:\DSTests ? You need to ensure that the project and test names are correct


    • TK6666's avatar

      Hi rraghvani .Yes i do .So i created the DStests folder to make it easier and i have copied the files over from C:\Users\Tina\OneDrive - DATASCOPE\Test Complete\WHClient\WHClient. to C:\DSTests folder.

      Would i specify C:\DSTests\WHClient\WHClient\Project_WH Client.pjs?


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    As I had mentioned from a previous post,


    Here are some command line examples,


    • Runs all enabled projects in project suite:

    TestComplete "C:\Project Flow\Project Flow.pjs" /run /exit /DoNotShowLog /ExportLog:"C:\Temp\Project Flow\index.html"


    • Runs specific project in project suit:

    TestComplete "C:\Project Flow\Project Flow.pjs" /run /exit /DoNotShowLog /ExportLog:"C:\Temp\Project Flow\index.html" /project:TestProject2


    • Run specific unit and routine:

    TestComplete "C:\Project Flow\Project Flow.pjs" /run /exit /DoNotShowLog /ExportLog:"C:\Temp\Project Flow\index.html" /project:TestProject2 /unit:Unit1 /routine:Test3


    Do read TestComplete Command Line, as there's plenty of useful information.

    • TK6666's avatar

      Thank you so much ,much appreciated, I came right with this one and your took your advise.

      I just need to figure out how to set up the emails for this test log to be sent out automatically to a group of developers rraghvani ,

    • TK6666's avatar

      Hi rraghvani could you please advise me exactly what the below script does?

      • Runs specific project in project suit:

      TestComplete "C:\Project Flow\Project Flow.pjs" /run /exit /DoNotShowLog /ExportLog:"C:\Temp\Project Flow\index.html" /project:TestProject2


      Thank you

      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Sorry for the late reply, I was on holiday.


        It's an example of the correct command to be used with TestComplete. 

  • Thank you so very much for this. rraghvani .It is highly appreciated. I will follow and give this a try.

    And then is this the same bat file that you would use when setting up the task scheduler to run tests at a specific time?

  • Hi rraghvani 

    Please hlep as you have been the most helpful thus far.


    I know want to change my bat file so that it calls my project and runs all the test under the execution plan.

    Please help as to advising how would this file change to look?Now how i got just running one test but need to it now run all the test under the execution plan

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\x64\Bin\TestExecute.exe" "C:\Users\Tina\OneDrive - DATASCOPE\Test Complete\WHClient\WHClient.pjs" /run /exit /Project:"Project_WH Client" /test:Launch_UInMain

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Once my automation is finished, an email is sent with a location of the results - it's on a shareable network drive that developers and testers can access.


    If you look at the command line arguments (e.g. /ExportLog:"C:\Temp\Project Flow\index.html"), you can export to results to a specific location.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    The command runs the automation, and then outputs the results to a folder location. The folder can then be shared, for other people to access the automation results.