Forum Discussion

TommyTester's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Azure DevOps Pipeline - Intermittent "Unable to navigate to <url> page" error



I am experiencing an intermittent issue when running my project via TestExecute, on a self-hosted agent.


Several pipelines will run successfully, one after the other, then I will start receiving the an "Unable to navigate to <url> page" on each test case. The detail in the output is:

Logging into the agent, I can see that the Smartbear Test Extension is (still) installed. The only workaround (which doesn't work 100% of the time) is to logon to the agent, then disconnect without doing anything. 


Has anyone else encountered a similar issue?

3 Replies

  • Let's narrow things down a little.


    If you run the test using TestComplete on the same machine, does it run without error?

    If you run the test using TestExecute on another machine, does it run without error?



    • TommyTester's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      We only have one self-hosted agent configured.


      If I was to login to it and run several back to back projects using either TestComplete or TestExecute, I don't encounter the issue. Likewise for other machines that aren't configured as agents.


      The problem only seems to arise on the third or fourth back to back run, when the run has been triggered from the pipeline.