Hi Vinnie,
I'm going on the scenario that the key-value pairs do change often or the values at least do.
The problem with Stores is that it seems to only involves checking and comparing and updating the contents of the file, I just want to use (not check or change) the data in UI tests, similarly to a data-driven loop using Excel but with a text file containing key-value pairs.
The problem with parametrization is that I would have to manually change the data for every test to run with the desired info, I would much rather the variables/data be in a text-file to read from for efficiency.
What I want is to not have to have this long line of code at the beginning of ever script test to get a variable:
function ReadFile(AFileName)
const ForReading = 1;
const ForWriting = 2;
const ForAppending = 8;
let FS = getActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
let F = FS.OpenTextFile(AFileName, ForReading);
while(! F.AtEndOfStream){
let s = F.ReadLine();