Forum Discussion

VenkataRanga's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

NameMapping properties automatic

Hi Everyone,

      Belated happy new year!

      Is it possible to make NameMapping properties automatic, means update properties on runtime.

Best Regards,

Venkata Ranga
  • Hi,

    No, this is not possible. If you need to identify object on some level of objects hierarchy and, possibly, using a set of identification attributes, you may use Find/FindChild/FindAllChildren/FindAlias/... functions.

    Also, it is possible to use not constants, but variables as the values of the identification properties in NameMapping, thus obtaining more dynamic objects identification. might provide you with a good ideas as well.
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    No, this is not possible. If you need to identify object on some level of objects hierarchy and, possibly, using a set of identification attributes, you may use Find/FindChild/FindAllChildren/FindAlias/... functions.

    Also, it is possible to use not constants, but variables as the values of the identification properties in NameMapping, thus obtaining more dynamic objects identification. might provide you with a good ideas as well.
  • VenkataRanga's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Alex,

       Thanks for response... I will go through given url.

    Best Regards,

    Venkata Ranga