Forum Discussion

dhundley's avatar
Regular Contributor
3 years ago

auto-wait timeout for WaitProperty operation versus WaitWinFormObject operation

Could someone explain why the WaitProperty operation appears to wait the entire amount of the Auto-wait timeout period even though the specified property its waiting on already equals the specified v...
  • dhundley's avatar
    3 years ago

    After posting the image you requested and doing a little bit more research, I determined that the property I was checking was, in fact, not the correct property to be checking. instead of WPFControlName, I should have been checking the value of WPFControlText. The WaitProperty Operation still seems to take way longer than it should, however, as the message in the upper right corner of TestComplete states "Waiting for Sign Into a Drawer = Sign Into a Drawer". I created my own script that contains a while loop checking the value of the WPFControlText and it allows the link to be clicked immediately. This will serve my purpose but there still seems to be something wonky about the WaitProperty operation.