Forum Discussion

Miles_G's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

are there any Qt testing modules for Qt 4.6.2?


Our company has a product which uses some Qt controls (a top QTool control with several Qpushbutton contorls and custimzed Qt controls), compiles with Qt 4.6.2. I can't find the children controls of QTool in Object Browser after launching our product, I tried to replace Qt testing modules by Qt 4.6.0 (TestComplete 8.2), but it didn't work, the Qt library support plug-in and Qt library control support plugin are installed and enabled. Can you tell me which Qt testing modules can work for it?

Best regards,


2 Replies

  • Hi Miles,

    TestComplete should be able to work with the QPushButton controls. Also, TestComplete modules for Qt 4.6.0 support should make TestComplete support your Qt 4.6.2 application.

    Please let me know whether your application is recognized as Open by the tool? If the application is Open, you will see TestComplete's icon next to the application's process in the Object Browser.

    If the application is not Open, please let me know whether you renamed and (or) modified the QtGui4.dll and QtCore4.dll modules.