Forum Discussion
You are showing in the above screen shot, the Alert.Label message property, not the Alert message property which is the level at which it was previously picking up the Alert's message content. I am using TC 15.54 as mentioned above with Chrome 114 which it says it supports. I was previously on old versions of both TC and Chrome and did not upgrade for ages because there are always issues with chrome - however since it said this version combination should work i proceeded with the upgrade.
I have changed some of my mappings to this apparent new structure, its not worth the time working out the root cause. I will just have to change them all at each point my test is now failing, and hope the structure does not change again.
I will also need to upgrade to TC 15.55 it seems now because there is another issue which already has a discussion where the alert OK buttons are now not clickable - so hopefully this doesnt introduce even more issues.