Forum Discussion

JackSparrow's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

adding a (python) list to project suite variable from database

Hi All,   Am trying to fetch the values from database which am able to do now after fetching, I want to add those values as a list in to single project suite variable but here its storing only the...
  • baxatob's avatar
    8 years ago

         ...but here its storing only the last loop variable.


    This is because you have used a wrong indentation as well as have declared variables in the wrong places. Try this:



    def dbarea():
    	area_string = ProjectSuite.Variables.Location    
    	all_areas = area_string.split(",")
    	data_container = []
    	for area in all_areas:   
    		AConnection = ADO.CreateADOConnection()    
    		AConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;" + \
    					       "Data Source=LMk2 Penelope"     
    		AConnection.LoginPrompt = False
    		RecSet = AConnection.Execute_('select sare_no from sare where short_name={}'.format(area))
    		while not RecSet.EOF:       
    			rows = RecSet.Fields.Item["Sare_no"].Value
           dbcount = len(data_container)
           Log.Message("The Database Count is : {}".format(dbcount))
           ProjectSuite.Variables.Var5 = str(data_container)


    Also note, that splitting of your string: "North, South, East , South East , West" will return:


    " South",
    " East ",
    " South East ",
    " West"]


    With all spaces. So be careful.