Forum Discussion

scot1967's avatar
Frequent Contributor
5 years ago

14.3 -> 14.4 Upgrade Project Compatibility?

Will projects/suites from version 14.3 be comptible with 14.4 and vice versa?  I see there is a note about project conversion but I am not sure if this applies to a 14.3 to 14.4 cvonversion.



  • It has been my experience that anything within a version is compatible (anything that starts with 14 is cross compatible, going up to 15 would not be).  That being said, I also always always always back up the old version in its entirety and then upgrade.  You'll find out quick enough if there's a problem with conversion or anything else and you'll have a safe shiny backup to revert to.

4 Replies

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    It has been my experience that anything within a version is compatible (anything that starts with 14 is cross compatible, going up to 15 would not be).  That being said, I also always always always back up the old version in its entirety and then upgrade.  You'll find out quick enough if there's a problem with conversion or anything else and you'll have a safe shiny backup to revert to.

    • scot1967's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Thanks Marsha_R for the response.  I was waiting for others to respond possibly with a firm yes or no here.  It was marked as accepted for me I assume by the admin?  I know the best practices.  Like you I expect that a minor update should be forward and backward compatible however I was trying to make sure I could indeed update incrementally and not have to do all my setups at once.


      Thanks again,


      Scott H.


      • Marsha_R's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        I can give you a yes for me, but since we are not SmartBear employees, we can't guarantee anything.  If you don't want to try it yourself and find out, then you can always contact Support directly.


        I'm sure it was the admin marking the answer because it's correct.  Also you can check the kudos to see who agreed with me.  I can say for me that it's been the case since TestComplete version 8.