Forum Discussion

sathashiv5's avatar
3 years ago

.exe file run in test execute




Is it possible to convert the project suite(with project scripts, keywords) into binary executable? And run in Test Execute Tool.

Since, Test execute support file format -> .pjs and .mds. Does the Extensions(has installed with .net framework) will run .exe file? 

(Note: Test Execute providing .Net Framework->so, Can we run .exe file)

  • Lee_M's avatar
    3 years ago

    Another issue to consider could be the type of test and the visualizer images that are created (KW tests)



    When to use Test Visualizer

    • Use Test Visualizer for debugging purposes and while searching for errors. Images and data that Test Visualizer collects help you understand what your recorded test does, or what has happened in your tested application during the test run.

      Keep in mind that collecting the data may reduce the test performance. In addition, the collected data occupies the hard disk space.

    • Disable Visualizer or limit its functionality when your tests run smoothly. It will save disk space and makes the tests run a bit faster.

      Note that disabling Visualizer makes it difficult to understand what goes wrong in case of an error.



    "Test Visualizer data, especially screenshots of the whole desktop, can take a lot of disk space. To save disk space, you can limit the amount of saved data or disable the Visualizer. This will also speed up test recording and playback."




    don't forget to 'prune' you tests and Delete All Visualiser frames (bottom button) after this action, not sure if this is done automatically



    or Convert to Keyword tests - but with this approach, you will lose the option to be able to get the visualizer images back as you are unable to convert script tests back to KW tests

14 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Is it possible to convert the project suite(with project scripts, keywords) into binary executable?

    No, this is not possible. Point.

    TestComplete or TestExecute are required to be installed on the box where test code must be executed.


    • sathashiv5's avatar


      I want to convert the project file into a single executable, so I can pass this .exe file into Test Execute Tool for executing test code(Client requirements). If possible, how to reduce the project size? Our Scripts within the Test Code will be added incrementally, so the project size may become a huge memory usage. That's why, we looking to convert into small sized file and if we pass this to our client, they can easily run as well. (If any other suggestions like extension need to be installed for this purpose, please mention the guide to make it). 

      • Lee_M's avatar
        Community Hero



        I don't believe you can produce a binary like you are looking for - AlexKaras please confirm this.

        Feel free to suggest it for a future TestComplete feature.


        It sounds like your projects are getting larger and that a CI solution may be what you are looking for.


        You may want to investigate Jenkins, this has a TestComplete extension - I am using this approach - but this doesn't address your filesize issue.

        I have a separate server that everyone can RDP into, the server houses a Jenkins installation and maintains the tests from a BitBucket (GIT) repository running a TestExecute instance.

        People can then add tests that can be scheduled or manually run (advanced solution to the hack of the UserForm that what was suggested previously)


        Have you found out where the file size is taken up, most of my space was taken up with logs, maybe this can help - managing log files

  • Lee_M's avatar
    Community Hero

    sathashiv5 I don't believe there is such a feature

    I did create a simple user-friendly solution that accomplished similar results.


    The only condition is that it needs to be run from a computer running TestComplete or TestExecute (Lite).


    I created a UserForm with buttons, each button startes a test (like a program GUI)


    The UserForm has to call functions from a SCRIPT (not KW)

    A button on the GUI calls a function from a script that in turn calls a project from either a script or KW test - parameters can even be passed, they are just text boxes from the GUI)


    The UserForm could then be placed in the Execution Plan as the only item, running the project now invokes this GUI


    EXTRA: EventHandler onStopTest would then reinitialize the 'dashboard app'

    • sathashiv5's avatar

      Does licensed software has this feature -> converting .pjs / .mds into .exe ?

      Is the batch file the only option? 

      Does userform fits in my case? 

      Does Test Execute supports .exe file for execution?


    • sathashiv5's avatar

      Hi Lee_M,


      Thanks for the support. I would like to convert the project files into single executable(should able to run in Test Execute) in order to reduce the size of the project which grows with incremental scripts. Is there a specific document for file extensions, does TC and TE supports? 

      • sathashiv5's avatar

        And, any extensions or third-party tools support this feature.