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sonya_m's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

Community Day 2021 - BDD with CucumberStudio and TestComplete

This awesome video session concludes the video series the TestComplete QA team prepared for Community Day 2021!


However, the event is far from being over - our team is ready for your questions! Feel free to ask them in the comments to any videos sessions that can be found under the event tag - #CommunityDay2021


BDD with CucumberStudio and TestComplete

by Sergey Sammal, Software Engineering Manager


This video describes how SmartBear CucumberStudio and TestComplete can be combined together for implementing the BDD approach in your test automation. Including Jenkins into this set will complete your solution with full orchestration. We will show a step-by-step guide using our example project on how to achieve this goal and what benefits you will have using SmartBear tools.


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Watch the session:



00:00 Speaker introduction

02:32 The session's start

03:20 Why we choose BDD

04:20 CucumberStudio introduction

06:00 TestComplete introduction

07:44 Test automation & orchestration flows

09:18 Demo Part: CucumberStudio & TestComplete Integration

11:28 Demo Part: Demo automatic test run

13:15 Demo Part: Run project from Jenkins

15:50 Demo Part: Test run results


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13 Replies

  • Lee_M's avatar
    Community Hero



    Can't wait to see the new licensing model, and hope it will make updating TC/TE a lot more user-friendly - Thanks for that sneak peek into πŸ˜Ž


    Timestamp 14:32 you mention test will run in the Jenkins Cloud agent where TestComplete is also located, please elaborate - has TC now got a cloud counterpart?

    • SSammal's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hi Lee_M,


      No, TestComplete is still desktop product. We are running it on Amazon cloud machine and this machine is Agent of our Jenkins server. So for us it similar to "cloud" TestComplete engine. You can learn more about such configuration if you check our TestComplete Plugin for Jenkins.

      • Lee_M's avatar
        Community Hero

        I am already using the TC Jenkins plugin (would appreciate an update of this plugin) 


        - it took me a while to realize you can specify groups in from EP and don't have to run the entirety, as well as the other run options


  • Thanks for the video!  I have a little knowledge of BDD, but not of any of these tools.  Would we be required to have Jenkins to run everything or is that just the most common?  Is it possible to run with something else, say Azure DevOps instead of Jenkins?

    • SSammal's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

       Hi Marsha_R,


      You can use any tool to start the automation. Regarding Azure DevOps I heard some talks about it and TC recently and this is definitely one of the options now. We used Jenkins just because this was done quite some time ago also we use it for our build procedures. You don’t need orchestrator in general, just start TC manually. In this case you will have same results but of course it is not handy.


  • Good video.  


    We use TC for keyword tests that will be used to do integrated testing of changes being implemented into our hospital patient care system.  This involves using an Excel spreadsheet as a data source.  How would Cucumber Studio work with a data source?

    • SSammal's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hi UConnAnnMarie,


      I'm not familiar with Data Driven capabilities in CucumberStudio unfortunately. I saw it has Datatable panel for each test, but have not used it yet.

      I think you can start with CucumberStudio documentation or contact support. Also I have to say that CucumberStudio has a free trial and you can easily try it out.

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Project Workspace->Properties panel - is this something from the upcoming TC update or can be obtained in the current version of TC?



    • SSammal's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)



      It is very old feature ) And it is very helpful if you have huge projects. I believe it is just hidden by default. You can show it: View\Select Panel... and double click Properties


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    CucumberStudio seems to be able to support not only BDD tests and scenarios:


    Could you please point to the relevant section of its documentation where this is described?