Forum Discussion

Rache1's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

SmartBear Community User Guide

Welcome to the SmartBear Community!


This Community unites the communities for all SmartBear products. Although the Community was designed with SmartBear users in mind, we welcome everyone interested in QA, DevOps, or API to join us.


We want your journey in the Community to be as efficient as possible. For this, we have prepared this guide to help you get started with the SmartBear Community.


In the Community, you can find various resources where you can: 


Ask Questions

 Start a discussion, search for solutions, ask your questions. We have Community Leaders and Heroes all around the world who will be happy to assist you. To ask a question, navigate to the needed forum in a product community, for example to TestComplete Questions, ReadyAPI Questions, or others.


Submit Feature Requests

Create a product feature request or vote for the existing ideas. Help us improve! If you feel that the SmartBear products lack some features - let us know in the the Feature Request board of your product community (where applicable).


Create technical articles

Technical Articles are a special type of community board where you can browse through dozens of useful articles written by community members or create your own. Share your wisdom with the SmartBear Community and earn awesome badges in the Technical Articles board of your product community (where applicable)!


become a community CHampion!

Participate in our Community Champions program - A quarterly program aimed at rewarding you if you consistently post solutions and resources to assist fellow community members. Users participating in consecutive quarters are eligible for greater rewards and elevated community permissions. Read more about the program here.


Product Communities

You can find various discussions, ideas, instructions, use cases and other helpful resources for each SmartBear product in a product community. Select the product you use in the community main menu to navigate to the needed product hub.



Say Thanks and Accept Solutions

Say thanks to the members who were trying to help you. Here are great ways to do this:

1. Post a reply to the topic 

2. Give Kudos to the post you like 

3. Mark the best reply as a solution by clicking the Accept as Solution button 


SmartBear Community Info

We are doing our best to assist you in SmartBear product usage and help you grow professionally. If you want us to do more, we will be happy to see your suggestions on the Community Feature Requests forum. Also, feel free to post any community-related discussions here.


More SmartBear Resources

  • - learn more about our company and our mission.
  • Product Documentation - SmartBear provides detailed documentation with great tutorials that will help you learn a product from scratch.
  • SmartBear Academy - enroll in free learning courses for all SmartBear products and register for live classes.
  • Downloads - navigate to the download center for all SmartBear products.
  • Support - explore helpful resources to get answers to your questions and take your usage of SmartBear products to new heights.


We are looking forward to seeing you around in the SmartBear Community!