Forum Discussion

Armen_Yampolsky's avatar
New Contributor
15 years ago

[RESOLVED]SoapUI Pro 3.5 beta 2 on Mac OS X Brings MDI Back From The Dead?

I've noticed a change in the GUI of this latest beta. It appears as though SoapUI is now using an MDI style of interface. I have not been able to change this, and am disturbed by the decision to re-introduce this horrid paradigm that I though had died in the late 1990's. Not only is it MDI, it is only half-implemented -- there do not seem to be any buttons to quickly maximize all windows to fill the parent, or a button to tile them. Is there a way to switch back to SDI/TDI?

Thanks in advance,

1 Reply

  • I'm answering my own question -- there is an option in Preferences -> UI Settings to use the tabbed "Desktop Type." The non-Pro version doesn't have it, and I accidentally installed the non-pro beta. So relieved!