Forum Discussion

DB_TestingTeam's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

ReadyAPI - Soap NG Pro - Run headless on TeamCity CI - Console Installation - Licence



We are trying to improve our continuous integration process and the automation of tests execution.


For this we would like to set up a smoke test suite which would be easily executable from a TeamCity instance which means that it has to run headless.


As a current status we arrived to make it work on a local machine. We noticed that we are forced to have a local installation of ReadyAPI together with a configured hermesJMS to bundle it into our maven build using the 'ready-api-maven-plugin' since we did not find any version of the plugin containing an embedded version of ReadyAPI.


To setup the same build on the TeamCity build we only have some linux agents with limited access and no serverx (no ui - headless). We did not find anything in the documentation regarding the installation of ReadyAPI using console + how to setup a licence using console as well..


Could you indicate us how to achieve this without any UI!?


Please find below our current maven configuration:



Thanks a lot!


  • Rishabhwal's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks will try this. One last thing. Since its a floating license will it work for multiple users and multiple machines?
  • Rishabhwal's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Giller,
    is this folder smartbear folder, which gets created after readyapi installation? Or a different one.
    Also I will need to change the paths for any files everytime i do a rebuild or a new user joins in?

    Since this is on linux machine i need to be very specific with folder structure.
    • GillerM's avatar

      Hi Rishabhwal,


      This folder gets created during license activation, not during install.  


      For Unix, I believe we look at $HOME or $USER_HOME variable for user directory.  So if the new user joins, make sure they have the ".soapui" folder in their respective home directory

    • Rishabhwal's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I am also looking for a solution to this.


      I can unzip and untar the files and use the testrunner, but need to install the floating license. To do that once i download the license manager and run the jar file, i need to provide an input for the tool i have the floating license available.


      I need to skip the process of entering value manually.

      • GillerM's avatar

        For you automated floating license activation, you can simply copy the ".soapui" folder from a machine where a floating license is activated to an image you use for automation.  This ".soapui" folder should be in the user directory (e.g. C:\Users\<username>\.soapui)


        This way you can skip running the JAR file for floating license

  • I am interested on this matter..

    It is already some weeks without any answer :-(