Forum Discussion

白夜有点黑's avatar
6 years ago

Junk characters in SoapUI [DataSource] - [Data Connection] - [SQL Query] , how to handle this?

I need use Chinese Chars in SoapUI Pro [DataSource Step] - [Data Connection] - [SQL Query] command, but it shows junk characters here and the query result is null, how to handle this issue?


The SQL Query as below:

Select As accountId
From configs_account
Where = Trim("${GetTestData#name}")




Select As accountId
From configs_account
Where = Trim("apitest_ValidData_使用中文作为名称")


  • I finally got the solution like below:


    This junk characters issue can be solved by update editor font setting:

    File -> Preferences -> Editor Settings

    Editor Font = Microsoft YaHei UI Light


    And the other issue which got 0 rows result in JDBC step if the sql command contains Chinese Chars can be sloved by update mysql connect String like "jdbc:mysql://<HOST:>:<PORT:3306>/<DB>?user=<USER>&password=<PASSWORD>&characterEncoding=UTF8"

5 Replies

    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero

      Hi HimanshuTayal 


      looking at the screenshots, 白夜有点黑  is using SoapUI, you're using ReadyAPI - hence the difference in character rendering.


      白夜有点黑 what version are you using?  You'll probably have to upgrade to a more recent version of SoapUI or ReadyAPI! to resolve this.







      • 白夜有点黑's avatar

        I finally got the solution like below:


        This junk characters issue can be solved by update editor font setting:

        File -> Preferences -> Editor Settings

        Editor Font = Microsoft YaHei UI Light


        And the other issue which got 0 rows result in JDBC step if the sql command contains Chinese Chars can be sloved by update mysql connect String like "jdbc:mysql://<HOST:>:<PORT:3306>/<DB>?user=<USER>&password=<PASSWORD>&characterEncoding=UTF8"