Forum Discussion

swprabhu's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

How to have a failed step within a loop to be logged in transaction log

I have a groovy step in a testcase with code as below. This  testcase has multiple requests which run based on a loop count.

The issue I face : 

My teststep "checkTransitionStatus" which is REST operation has a script assertion . I notice that if an assertion fails during one of the loop runs, it doesnot get logged under 'Transaction log' tab. So basically after the 4 runs , if my second run has an assertion failure , I still get a pass for that step in transaction log . Also when I manually observe I see that different values are passed to the step as per my expectation on each loop run , but the transaction log doesnot show these loop runs separately. It just shows one run as pass but in actual, it runs the step multiple times based on the count. So how can I have the individual runs of the loop logged in transaction log so that I can see the status of the assertion for each run


def loop = 1

while (loop < 4 )


testRunner.runTestStepByName("getUniqueExternalReferenceValues 2")
sleep 700
sleep 700
sleep 700
sleep 700
testRunner.runTestStepByName("getSoaTransactionsByExternalAccountReference 3")
sleep 700
sleep 700
sleep 700
loop = loop + 1

  • Hi swprabhu,


    You can use DataDriven Loop for example. You should set it like on this video. Then you will see all results in the Transaction Log. The second way, you can write the result into a file, then after the run, you can find the results in it. Here is the video. Here is the script:

    def count = context.expand( '${#TestCase#countOfRuns}' )
    int countOfRuns = count.toInteger()
    File file = new File("C:/Users/Kirill.Zakharov/Downloads/06062019/test.txt")
    for( def i = 1; i <= countOfRuns; i++){
    	file.append("\nRun number: " + i + "\r\n")
    	writeRes("test", file)
    	writeRes("test1", file)
    	writeRes("test2", file)
    def writeRes(String stepName, File file){
    	def status = context.testCase.testSteps[stepName].run(testRunner, context).getStatus().toString()
    	if(status == "PASS"){
    		file.append(stepName + " Test Step passed\r\n")
    		file.append(stepName + "Test Step failed\r\n")
  • MartinSpamer's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Can you edit your post and embed the code in code tags, you're making it hard to read and therefore less likely to get an answer.


    All useful tests need to assert that the behaviour is correct, that what was expected actually happened.  You will need to assert something after each step to ensure you catch the error.



    passed = true
    // while (...) {
       // get test step by name
       // run the test step
       // verify the result
       verify(expected == actualResult)
    assert passed
    def verify(def condition) {
    	try {
    		assert condition
    	} catch (AssertionError assertion) { assertion
    		passed = false


    TestRunner. runTestStepByName(...) returns a TestStepResult you can use.


    public TestStepResult runTestStepByName(String name)



    • swprabhu's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks. But I did not get where exactly do I need to use it. I tried something like below and it gave an error. Also when it get the results , what does it basically get? The assertion status ?

      def loop = 1 loop
      while (loop < 4 ){ //must match if loop "Still Running " + loop
      //You have to explicitly list all steps to run between the loop script and the test step loop start
      testRunner.runTestStepByName("getUniqueExternalReferenceValues 2")
      sleep 700
      sleep 700
      sleep 700
      sleep 700
      testRunner.runTestStepByName("getSoaTransactionsByExternalAccountReference 3")
      sleep 700
      sleep 700
      sleep 700
      public TestStepResult runTestStepByName("checkTransitionStatus")
      loop = loop + 1