Forum Discussion

Naveen's avatar
New Contributor
12 months ago

Upload PDF/word format results to a specific test case execution as attachments

As part of integrating zephyr scale with Jira cloud we are able to update the test execution status of a test case within a cycle, but there is no option to push a file such as PDF or word docs as attachments. 

This was possible when we were using Zephyr scale & below is the api. Do we have a similar API for Zephyr scale for Jira cloud?



  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    As you say, it looks like this isn't possible in the Cloud API.  I notice on the Roadmap portal that there are also suggestions and votes for attachment management using the API.  You can add your vote to those or suggest your own by following this link

    But... the roadmap portal seems to be seldom updated by SmartBear, if at all.  I have posted a lot of suggestions in the last 12 months since the portal was released and not a single one has made it onto the board for voting.  So while there is a place for ideas and voting, I have zero confidence that it is being used... just setting expectations.