Forum Discussion

akhilsharma's avatar
Occasional Visitor
3 years ago

Can I search Zephyr Scale testcycles or bugs reported in a testcycle using Jira Search using JQL


How can I search bugs raised during an execution of Zephyr Scale TestCycle using JQL Search of Jira? 

Also, if it is possible to search Zephyr TestCycles using the Jira JQL ?

Best regards


  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    In answer to question 1:

    It is possible to some degree to search by JQL in the Server version of ZS but it's not available in the Cloud version.  If you have the server version, you can read more about advance JQL searching at this SmartBear help page: Advanced Search With JQL Functions | Zephyr Scale Server/Data Center Documentation (


    There are other options you might consider.


    - You can of course use standard Jira JQL queries to search for issues you know to be associated to your project.  If you have a specific issue type setup that is only being used in the project, e.g. "Project Z Bugs", then it stands to reason that any issue of that type is a bug related to your project.


    - Another option is to add the Issues column to the Test Cycles homepage - it will show all linked issues with hyperlinks and an 'all issues' type report (View in issue navigator)


    - Or you could create a report and use the custom filter to only show test executions where "Has linked issues" is True.


    In answer to question 2: I've seen nothing that enables the searching of test cycles using JQL.


    Best, Andy