12 years agoWhat if I forgot my Collaborator admin password?
If you forgot your Collaborator admin password, you have these options:
* Use the "Reset Password" feature on the login page to email yourself a new random password. This assumes your email is configured and enabled in Collaborator.
* Log into the web UI as another designated admin and change the password under "Admin"->"Users".
* Last and most painful option... you will need to manually reset it in the database using the instructions below.
a) This only applies to internal authentication (not LDAP or Active Directory).
b) It's always best practice to perform a backup prior to making any changes to your database. See
For Collaborator v.8100 or later, running with our embedded database HSQL v.2.0:
1) Shut down the Collaborator server.
2) Open up a command prompt.
3) CD into their Collaborator Server directory.
4) Run: java -cp tomcat/lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManagerSwing
That starts up a utility for viewing/editing the HSQL database.
5) Open the database with these options:
Type: HSQL Database Engine Standalone
Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver [default]
URL: jdbc:hsqldb:file:tomcat/database
User: SA [default]
Password: [leave this blank, which is the default]
6) Copy/paste the following query into the big text box at the top-right:
UPDATE user SET user_password='d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' WHERE user_login='admin';
You might want to change "admin" to whatever your username is.
7) Click the "Execute SQL" button.
You should see a result with the column header "update count" and the value "1". (i.e.: 1 record was updated.)
8) Close the HSQL Database Manager.
9) Restart Collaborator and log in.
For Collaborator v.8003 or earlier, running with our embedded database HSQL v.1.8:
1. Stop the Collaborator service.
2. Edit file <Collaborator install dir>/tomcat/database.script.
3. Search for string 'INSERT INTO USER VALUES(1,'
You should see the SQL statement that creates the admin user.
(e.g.: INSERT INTO USER VALUES(1,'my encrypted password is here','Joe User','',...)
The current encrypted password is enclosed in single quotes in the second field.
4. Replace that existing password with 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'.
5. Save the file.
6. Restart the Collaborator service.
If your Collaborator server is configured with one of our supported external databases, you will need to follow the same basic scenario within the context of stop/start the server, but instead of editing the database script, you will login to your Collaborator database using a database management tool and issue this SQL command:
UPDATE collabuser SET user_password='d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' WHERE user_login='YourCollabLogin';
After that update, the password will be blank because that string is the md5sum of an empty string.