SoapUI version 5.5 Does Not Decrypt The Response
I have a test project that can call my webservice without issue and get back a response as it should. I can see on the server logs that the request SoapUI recieves is exactly what was sent. The trouble is that SoapUI does not decrypt the response. I have configured it with incoming wss that uses the correct Decrypt key store. Reading other threads, it was suggested that the following libraries be replaced for similar issues. I replaced them and restarted SoapUI, but to no avail. wss4j-1.6.16.jar replaced with wss4j-1.6.18.jar xmlsec-1.4.5.jar replaced with xmlsec-1.5.8.jar Has anyone had similar issues that they were able to solve?712Views0likes0CommentsSOAPUI response with attachment
I have a SOAP call which gets a file in the response. It is a gz file. I want to get this gz file. In the Attachments tab of the response, I do see a file abc.gz, with Content-type application/gzip, and Type XOP. I have tried setting up the Request Properties - I have Enable MTOM as true. I have also specified a dump file. The dump file is not a gzip file, but a XOP file. It has a header --uuid:273aa462-94dc-405a-9972-82904edfb02e Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml" Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-ID: <> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body><ns2:abcResponse xmlns:ns2="<url>"><return><xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href=""/></return></ns2:abcResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope> --uuid:273aa462-94dc-405a-9972-82904edfb02e Content-Type: application/gzip Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-ID: <> Content-Disposition: attachment;name="abc.gz" and the rest is binary data. My question is - how do I extract just the gz file from this?3.5KViews0likes2CommentsAssertions with XPATH
Sorry if this is in wrong area, but I am new to SOAP UI os. I am currently trying to achieve a simple test case where if I call a service with no parameters, the response should not provide me any information back. Super simple. With that, I am trying to get an understanding of xpath assertions. I used xpath in selenium tests. But I do not understand what I am doing wrong on the Xpath match configuration screen. I see that when I click Declare, it provides me namespaces in XPath Expression box. It provides this: declare namespace soap=''; declare namespace ns1='https://ForceDevelopmentServices.ServiceCode.DCPDS.EducationData.DataContracts'; declare namespace ns2=''; declare namespace ns3=''; declare namespace ns4='https://USAF.A1.Personnel.ForceDevelopment.DAL.Services.Base'; Under Assertions, I used a online xpath tester to get this xpath expression: //for1:SSAN/text() I would expect to place a ? in the expected results box, but when I click on Select from current I get an error message saying "Missing content to select from". I then tried to click on the 'Test' to see what happens, I get another error message saying "Missing Content" I looked over Query/Match, I did not get much from this view since it does not seem to do anything when I put in xpath query or Matching Value Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. alex <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:for="https://ForceDevelopmentServices.ServiceCode.DCPDS.EducationData.Interfaces" xmlns:for1="https://ForceDevelopmentServices.ServiceCode.DCPDS.EducationData.DataContracts"> <soap:Header/> <soap:Body> <for:GetAcquisitionsCertificationsBySSANResponse> <!--Optional:--> <for:GetAcquisitionsCertificationsBySSANResult> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <for1:DCPDSAcquisitionsCertification> <!--Optional:--> <for1:SSAN>?</for1:SSAN> <!--Optional:--> <for1:ACQ_DT_CAREER_LVL_ACHVD>?</for1:ACQ_DT_CAREER_LVL_ACHVD> <!--Optional:--> <for1:ACQ_CAREER_LEVEL_ACHVD_DESC>?</for1:ACQ_CAREER_LEVEL_ACHVD_DESC> <!--Optional:--> <for1:ACQ_CAREER_LVL_APPR_AUTH>?</for1:ACQ_CAREER_LVL_APPR_AUTH> <!--Optional:--> <for1:ACQ_CAREER_LVL_APPR_AUTH_DESC>?</for1:ACQ_CAREER_LVL_APPR_AUTH_DESC> <!--Optional:--> <for1:ACQ_CERT_CAREER_FIELD>?</for1:ACQ_CERT_CAREER_FIELD> <!--Optional:--> <for1:ACQ_CERT_CAREER_FIELD_DESC>?</for1:ACQ_CERT_CAREER_FIELD_DESC> </for1:DCPDSAcquisitionsCertification> </for:GetAcquisitionsCertificationsBySSANResult> </for:GetAcquisitionsCertificationsBySSANResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>3.9KViews0likes4CommentsHow to Access Htttp Log from SOAP UI using the soap ui API
Hi, I am using the following code for capturing the http log from SOAP UI : def logArea = com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.logMonitor def logPanel logPanel = logArea.getLogArea("http log") which works fine when run from SOAP UI itself. How can we access the http log when running the groovy script when SOAP ui interface is not open. For ex: I am running this from ANT. Is there any way I can use the SAOP UI API to capture this http log ? Basically I want to capture request/responses between redirects. Any help appreciated.Thanks1.5KViews0likes2CommentsSOAP UI Return XML Dumping with Invalid Characters
Introduction: Hello Community! I hope I am posting in the correct place. Precursory Information: I am currently using SOAP UI Free to attempt to validate a WSDL. I have a service that looks like this: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> ...SOAP BODY HERE... </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> This sends out ok, and I get a return message. Precursory Explination: The way my return code is designed is to send a response with an XML attached. I've done research on Request/Reponse with attachment's in SOAP UI, and it looks like it can do it. I've read the documentation on attachment's, and done additional research on SOAP UI but I cannot find my exact issue. Issue: When returning the XML, I am recieving a bunch of invalid characters, along with a 'dump' of the attached xml. It looks like: ) ) [Invalid Character Here]uuid:XXXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-AAAA-123456789123 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><soapenv:Body/></soapenv:Envelope> [Invalid Character Here]XXXXXXYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZZZ11111112222222233333333333/xml ...CORRECT XML THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE ATTACHED HERE... Note: I am not sure how much I am allowed to share of the code/digits - but the ...CORRECT... is a correct XML I am expecting, and the XYZA and 1234... are all characters that change every time. Is there a way to prepare SOAP UI for this attached XML and not get this dump? I won't be able to validate this the way it is. What I have tried: I have tried adjusting all of the settings in the Request Properties windows with no luck. Has anyone experienced this? Could someone help me prepare my SOAP UI for the attached XML, rather than dump different characters and the contents? Thanks in advance!Solved3.8KViews1like3CommentsHow to enable 'Transfer-Encoding: Chunked' for RESPONSE
Hi all, I have been trying without any success to get a chunked RESPONSE by varying the response length, checking and unchecking the Preferences -> HTTP Settings -> ‘Response compression’, using a ‘Chunking Threshold’ (which is just for REQUESTs), setting a ‘Max response size’, and so on! It’s worth to mention that the ONLY time I saw my SOAP RESPONSE with ‘Transfer-Encoding: chunked’, was when I forgot to start my Mock Service and then I proceed to run my SOAP REQUEST. The message was “There are currently 0 running SoapUI MockService” in the SOAP Body, but a chunked response was given. Do you know any method to get a chunked RESPONSE message? I'm using SoapUI 5.2.0. With 4.5.2 I get the same results. Thanks in advance for your help. Mariana.Solved11KViews0likes1CommentResult Propertie on manual Step vs. Response Propertie on Request Step
Hi everyone! Does anyone knows, why the result for a "request" step is saved in the custom properties and named "Response" and for a manual Step is the custom property named "Result"? It is relevant for me, because I have a script, which saves the logs (requests and responses). But for the manual steps is not working. The reason is that the variables have different names. Any clue? Best Regards,625Views0likes0Comments