Forum Discussion

ccoughenour08's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

SOAP UI Return XML Dumping with Invalid Characters

Introduction: Hello Community! I hope I am posting in the correct place.


Precursory Information: I am currently using SOAP UI Free to attempt to validate a WSDL. I have a service that looks like this:



<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
        ...SOAP BODY HERE...

This sends out ok, and I get a return message.



Precursory Explination: The way my return code is designed is to send a response with an XML attached. I've done research on Request/Reponse with attachment's in SOAP UI, and it looks like it can do it. I've read the documentation on attachment's, and done additional research on SOAP UI but I cannot find my exact issue.


Issue: When returning the XML, I am recieving a bunch of invalid characters, along with a 'dump' of the attached xml. It looks like:

     ) ) [Invalid Character Here]uuid:XXXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-AAAA-123456789123
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><soapenv:Body/></soapenv:Envelope>

     [Invalid Character Here]XXXXXXYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZZZ11111112222222233333333333/xml

Note: I am not sure how much I am allowed to share of the code/digits - but the ...CORRECT... is a correct XML I am expecting, and the XYZA and 1234... are all characters that change every time.


Is there a way to prepare SOAP UI for this attached XML and not get this dump? I won't be able to validate this the way it is.


What I have tried: I have tried adjusting all of the settings in the Request Properties windows with no luck.


Has anyone experienced this? Could someone help me prepare my SOAP UI for the attached XML, rather than dump different characters and the contents?


Thanks in advance!

  • ccoughenour08's avatar
    10 years ago

    I wanted to follow up on this. After disregarding what I thought, and doing full testing in seperate applications - I found that nmrao was correct. This is how the response shows up in any program, and the code currently intercepts the message and pulls of the attachment.


    Thank you community for your help!

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Welcome to SmartBear's soapUI world of API testing.

    Thank you for taking care of explaining in detailed manner.

    On the first glance, haven't seen or heard something like this. Would you quickly check with the service provider wether that is a valid response that is sent from server side?
    • ccoughenour08's avatar
      New Contributor

      Good Evening Roa - 


      Thank you for your help. I do not believe this is a valid response, as it has invalid characters. Per the documentation I can find, we should recieve a SOAP message in return, with an XML attached.


      Edit for a note/clarification; The return XML contents appear to be valid, but they should be acknowledged inside the 'Attachments' section of SOAP UI - This is what is leading me to believe it is an issue with the software itself. Inline attachments and other settings do not appear to resolve the issue.




      • ccoughenour08's avatar
        New Contributor

        I wanted to follow up on this. After disregarding what I thought, and doing full testing in seperate applications - I found that nmrao was correct. This is how the response shows up in any program, and the code currently intercepts the message and pulls of the attachment.


        Thank you community for your help!